Lewisburg Federal Prison Camp – How to Prepare for the SHU: A Primer to Thrive in Solitary Confinement

What is the SHU? The SHU stands for “Special Housing Unit”. This is essentially solitary confinement. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the SHU is being used to quarantine inmates, regardless of security classification. This means that if you are self surrendering to a camp, you should be prepared to spend at least 14 days in the […]
Lewisburg Federal Prison Camp: Characters in a Prison Camp

I have officially been incarcerated for over a month. Time really does fly by in prison. It literally feels like it was only yesterday when my parents dropped me off at USP Lewisburg. What are the other inmates like I’ve met some interesting people here. I have noticed one common characteristic that just about every […]
Lewisburg Federal Prison Camp: Federal Prison Camp Clothes

What do you wear in a federal prison camp? Are the clothes comfortable? Do I wear an orange jumpsuit? I am going to try to address the clothing situation in a camp. By the end of this post, I hope that your questions about clothing will be answered, and maybe it will alleviate some fear […]
Lewisburg Federal Prison Camp: Hopelessly Forgotten

The CARES Act, First Step Act and Compassionate Release are three big topics of discussion among inmates. These programs essentially allow non-violent inmates to go home early, on home confinement. Home confinement doesn’t mean freedom, though. It means that you spend the rest of your sentence in a home (notice I did not say in […]
Lewisburg Federal Prison Camp – What I Did Today

I am going to post exactly what I did today. It will be more like a journal entry, but I hope that it may give those individuals who have to report to a prison camp some peace. I know that during my pretrial/pre-sentencing/pre-surrender phase, reading blogs about a daily schedule gave me some peace. So […]
Zest For Life

Negativity leads to nowhere. And when there is literally nowhere to go (such as in prison), you can quickly turn things into a nightmare with the way you think. I’m surrounded by both positive and negative inmates. There is one key difference between the two; acceptance. Positive inmates have accepted that their old lives are […]
RDAP – The Granddaddy of Sentence Reduction

Sentence Reduction Opportunities Within the BOP, there are very few opportunities for sentence reduction. Other than the 15% off for good time, meaning no behavior infarctions, there is a program known as RDAP. RDAP can provide significant sentence reduction. Depending on how long an inmate has been sentenced, one can get up to a year […]
No Lazy Saturdays in Prison

There is no such thing as wasted time in prison. Boredom can be defeated by focusing on preparation for the future. One of the key steps in preventing institutionalization, is by forming a schedule that focuses on your life OUTSIDE of prison. By focusing on self improvement and planning for a vibrant post-prison life, you […]